Health and Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing websites and apps:

At Stoneydown, we think it’s very important to look after your mental health. Please find below a list of websites and free apps for you and your family to explore:

You should try to look after yourself and stay healthy. There are lots of different ways you can try self-care: dancing, spending time with friends, playing sports, laughing, drawing, spending time with pets - anything that makes you feel good!


Mental Health for children:

School refusal and Anxiety


Every Mind Matters:


 Mental Health for parents:

SANE: send a text, save a life: w6AIVgoXVCh3ZzQAmEAAYAiAAEgICafD_BwE

NHS Mental Health Services:


Free Apps

Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame

Smiling Mind SLEEP Sleep Meditations for Kids