Meet the Governors

Who we are

The Governing Body is made up of people from various parts of the community served by the school – parents, staff and local citizens.

What we do

The Governing Body provides strategic overview of the school's plans, ensuring the school's Headteacher and his staff make the best use of the human and financial resources available to them, and providing support, advice and feedback.

Governors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring legal, financial, safeguarding and other requirements are met

  • Attending evening meetings of the full Governing Body and preparing by reading the various papers

  • Participating in at least one of the sub-committees (Curriculum, Pay and Personnel, Finances and Premises), which also meet in the evenings or before school.

  • Being a link person to one of the post-holders in the school

  • Generally being interested in and supporting the school in various ways; both as a critical friend of the school and as a champion for it.

  • Being accountable for those responsibilities held by the Governing Body

Being Accountable

As a Governing Body, we aim to be open, transparent and accountable.

Should you be interested in knowing more about our role and perhaps becoming a governor yourself, or you have issues you wish to raise with us, please contact our Chair of Governors through the school office staff who will pass on your details to him.

Our Governors



 Adam Bennett

Head Teacher

Balwinder Dhoot


Parent Governor

Early Years Link


Mizbah Raheem

Co-opted Governor


Joseph Giez

Co-opted Governor

Finance Link


Alice Douglas 

Parent Governor

English Link


 Jenny Cockin

Chair of SEND

Parent Governor 

Arts & SEND Link 


   Mohammed Wasim

 Co-opted Governor

Health and Safety Link


Tracy D'Vaz

Support Staff Governor  


Roda Ismail Aden

Parent Governor

Safeguarding Link






 Marie Horner

Parent Governor 




Finance Pay & Personnel Premises and Comms Curriculum
Balwinder Dhoot (Chair) Jenny Cockin (Chair) Mohammed Wasim (Chair) Alice Douglas
Roda Ismail Aden Alasdair Harper Jenny Cockin Mizbah Raheem
Alice Douglas Alice Douglas Tracy D'Vaz Marie Horner
Mizbah Raheem
Joe Giez


Register of Pecuniary and Personal Interests

Attendance Register 2024-25

Committee Details 2024-25

Membership Details 2024-25

Training Record 

Governing Body Portal

 To access the governors' portal , please click here.